Optimize Cloud Costs for Kubernetes
Background on Cloud Costs
As engineers, we are natural optimizers. Responding to users in more expeditious and efficient ways are core to optimizations. There are always tradeoffs between architecture and costs. With the rise of public cloud consumption with on the surface “nearly infinite” resources, this unlocks the next generation of distributed architecture. Though this is not without cost. From an engineering perspective, cost/billing data from the public cloud vendors depending on your organization might not be available to you or can take multiple billing cycles to be disseminated.
Resources on the public cloud are certainly not free. Public cloud vendors not only bill for the core infrastructure but also depending on the services leveraged could be billing dimensions for the control/management planes and non-obvious dimensions such as network/data transmissions. When capacity planning for infrastructure, a natural inclination is to err on the side of caution and provision extra capacity in case of a spike.
Optimizing costs focuses on right sizing resource usage to match workload actuals. Coupled with finding more emphermial infrastructure e.g spot instances can reduce costs. Monitoring solutions typically monitor for when usage exceeds a certain threshold, but the inverse if usage is under utilized, traditional monitoring solutions might not alert on that. Harness Cloud Cost Management, or CCM, can help unlock insights based on usage in how to optimize costs. This example will connect Kubernetes workload(s) on a public cloud vendor to Harness CCM to start getting cost insights and recommendations.
Get Started with Optimizing Your Kubernetes Cloud Costs
By connecting your public cloud Kubernetes cluster to Harness, you can start to get recommendations on right-sizing the workloads that are running. This example is assuming there are some workloads running in the Kubernetes cluster.
To get actual costing data from your public cloud vendor, it is recommended to connect your public cloud billing API [usage report, billing export, etc] to Harness CCM. This is not a requirement. Harness CCM will poll usage data from the Kubernetes Metric Server which comes installed by default with GKE and AKS. If using EKS, installing the Kubernetes Metric Server is needed.
Prepare Your Kubernetes Cluster for Optimization Recommendations
If you have not already, make sure to sign up for a Harness CCM Account. Once signed up, to start receiving optimizations for your cluster, you will need to install a Harness Delegate, e.g the Harness worker node, into your cluster.
Install Delegate
You will also need to wire in a Kubernetes Delegate if you have not done so already.
Install Delegate
What is Harness Delegate?
Harness Delegate is a lightweight worker process that is installed on your infrastructure and communicates only via outbound HTTP/HTTPS to the Harness Platform. This enables the Harness Platform to leverage the delegate to execute the CI/CD and other tasks on your behalf, without any of your secrets leaving your network.
You can install the Harness Delegate on either Docker or Kubernetes.
You might need additional permissions to execute commands in delegate scripts and create Harness users.
Install Harness Delegate
Create a new delegate token
Log in to the Harness Platform and go to Account Settings -> Account Resources -> Delegates. Select the Tokens tab. Select +New Token, and enter a token name, for example firstdeltoken
. Select Apply. Harness Platform generates a new token for you. Select Copy to copy and store the token in a temporary file. You will provide this token as an input parameter in the next installation step. The delegate will use this token to authenticate with the Harness Platform.
Get your Harness account ID
Along with the delegate token, you will also need to provide your Harness accountId
as an input parameter during delegate installation. This accountId
is present in every Harness URL. For example, in the following URL:
is the accountId
Now you are ready to install the delegate on either Docker or Kubernetes.
- Kubernetes
- Docker
Ensure that you have access to a Kubernetes cluster. For the purposes of this tutorial, we will use minikube
Install minikube
- On Windows:
choco install minikube
- On macOS:
brew install minikube
Now start minikube with the following config.
minikube start --memory 4g --cpus 4
Validate that you have kubectl access to your cluster.
kubectl get pods -A
Now that you have access to a Kubernetes cluster, you can install the delegate using any of the options below.
- Helm Chart
- Terraform Helm Provider
- Kubernetes Manifest
Install the Helm chart
As a prerequisite, you must have Helm v3 installed on the machine from which you connect to your Kubernetes cluster.
You can now install the delegate using the delegate Helm chart. First, add the harness-delegate
Helm chart repo to your local Helm registry.
helm repo add harness-delegate https://app.harness.io/storage/harness-download/delegate-helm-chart/
helm repo update
helm search repo harness-delegate
We will use the harness-delegate/harness-delegate-ng
chart in this tutorial.
harness-delegate/harness-delegate-ng 1.0.8 1.16.0 A Helm chart for deploying harness-delegate
Now we are ready to install the delegate. The following example installs/upgrades firstk8sdel
delegate (which is a Kubernetes workload) in the harness-delegate-ng
namespace using the harness-delegate/harness-delegate-ng
Helm chart.
To install the delegate, do the following:
In Harness, select Deployments, then select your project.
Under Project Setup, select Delegates.
Select Install a Delegate to open the New Delegate dialog.
Under Select where you want to install your Delegate, select Kubernetes.
Under Install your Delegate, select Helm Chart.
Copy the
helm upgrade
command.The command uses the default values.yaml file located in the delegate Helm chart GitHub repo. To make persistent changes to one or more values, you can download and update the
file according to your requirements. Once you have updated the file, you can use it by running the upgrade command below.helm upgrade -i firstk8sdel --namespace harness-delegate-ng --create-namespace \
harness-delegate/harness-delegate-ng \
-f values.yaml \
--set delegateName=firstk8sdel \
--set delegateToken=PUT_YOUR_DELEGATE_TOKEN_HERE \
--set delegateDockerImage=harness/delegate:yy.mm.verno \
--set replicas=1 --set upgrader.enabled=false
To install a Helm delegate for Harness Self-Managed Enterprise Edition in an air-gapped environment, you must pass your certificate when you add the Helm repo.
helm repo add harness-delegate --ca-file <.PEM_FILE_PATH> <HELM_CHART_URL_FROM_UI>
For more information on requirements for air-gapped environments, go to Install in an air-gapped environment.
- Run the command.
Create main.tf file
Harness uses a Terraform module for the Kubernetes delegate. This module uses the standard Terraform Helm provider to install the Helm chart onto a Kubernetes cluster whose config by default is stored in the same machine at the ~/.kube/config
path. Copy the following into a main.tf
file stored on a machine from which you want to install your delegate.
module "delegate" {
source = "harness/harness-delegate/kubernetes"
version = "0.1.5"
delegate_name = "firstk8sdel"
namespace = "harness-delegate-ng"
delegate_image = "harness/delegate:yy.mm.verno"
replicas = 1
upgrader_enabled = false
# Additional optional values to pass to the helm chart
values = yamlencode({
javaOpts: "-Xms64M"
provider "helm" {
kubernetes {
config_path = "~/.kube/config"
Now replace the variables in the file with your Harness account ID and delegate token values. Replace PUT_YOUR_MANAGER_HOST_AND_PORT_HERE
with the Harness Manager Endpoint noted below. For Harness SaaS accounts, you can find your Harness Cluster Location on the Account Overview page under the Account Settings section of the left navigation.
Harness Cluster Location | Harness Manager Endpoint on Harness Cluster |
SaaS prod-1 | https://app.harness.io |
SaaS prod-2 | https://app.harness.io/gratis |
SaaS prod-3 | https://app3.harness.io |
Run Terraform init, plan, and apply
Initialize Terraform. This downloads the Terraform Helm provider to your machine.
terraform init
Run the following step to view the changes Terraform is going to make on your behalf.
terraform plan
Finally, run this step to make Terraform install the Kubernetes delegate using the Helm provider.
terraform apply
When prompted by Terraform if you want to continue with the apply step, type yes
, and then you will see output similar to the following.
helm_release.delegate: Creating...
helm_release.delegate: Still creating... [10s elapsed]
helm_release.delegate: Still creating... [20s elapsed]
helm_release.delegate: Still creating... [30s elapsed]
helm_release.delegate: Still creating... [40s elapsed]
helm_release.delegate: Still creating... [50s elapsed]
helm_release.delegate: Still creating... [1m0s elapsed]
helm_release.delegate: Creation complete after 1m0s [id=firstk8sdel]
Apply complete! Resources: 1 added, 0 changed, 0 destroyed.