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Review PRs

After creating a PR, you can request review from one or more reviewers within your organization. Once approved by the reviewers, you can merge the PR.

Assign reviewers

To request PR reviews from other users in your Harness project.

  1. In your repository, go to Pull Requests, and select your PR.

  2. On the Conversation tab, in the Reviewers section, select Add.

  3. Select the user that you want to assign as a reviewer.

    To remove a reviewer, select More options (⋮) next to the reviewer's name, and then select Remove.


When reviewers leave comments on your PR, you can reply and resolve comments on either the Conversation or Changes tabs.

Submit reviews

When you review a PR, you can leave feedback, request changes, or approve the PR.

  1. In Harness Code, go to the repository where you need to review a pull request.
  2. Go to Pull Requests, and select the PR you need to review.
  3. Select each tab on the PR to inspect the reviews, comments, code changes, commit history, PR check, and other details.

On the Conversation tab, you can read the PR description, comment history (including code comments), commit activity, and all other activity on the PR.

You can add images and videos to your PR comments. Videos must be 10MB or less. Harness Code supports and tests the following video file formats: .3gpp, .avi, .flv, .mkv, .mov, .mp4, and .webm. Other formats might work, but support isn't guaranteed.

  1. If everything looks good, select Approve to approve the PR for merge. To request changes, select the dropdown next to Approve and select Request changes.